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- Really?, We cant get onto a scene BBS
- -------------------------------------
- By Some Lamer
- This was a reply to our 'piracy' special a couple of issues a ago.
- on various 'scene' BBS's this txt file appeared, here it is in full..
- HaHa did anyone read the disk mag to start with??? Well if ya did ya
- would of seen an article on PIRATE BBS'S in LIVERPOOL. Well as a trader
- from LIVERPOOL and using scene BBs's, I would like the chance to reply to
- your accusation of easily getting on to these supposedly BBS's.. Well
- first off as most scene dudes on merseyside have got to know each other
- personally we find this hard to believe that one of the sysops of these
- kewl BBS's went on holiday and left his BBS open to cosysops ??? I would
- very much doubt this as the sysops meet each other regulaly for a chat
- and a drink and you can take this from me. That none of the sysops of
- the wares BBS's in LIVERPOOL have been away for 2 weeks holiday so that
- destroys your accusation there... Well unless you call a BBS that was
- about 18 months ago called RED DWARF the sysops name was LISTER !!! well
- let me tell ya he was running a WARES BBS on a 1200 with a 20 meg hard
- drive, so if you call this a major WARES BBS in LIVERPOOL then so much
- for your kewl hacker dude??? I think someone has been pulling your
- little willie, so if I was you I would go back and check your info before
- you make silly accusations about PIRATE BBS's (oh yes this guy did go
- away on holiday for 2 weeks) and guess what I was one of the cosysops on
- That LAME BBS that he left open so if a 20 meg BBS is a major WARES BBS
- in your eyes then where did you leave your WHITE STICK ?? Up your ASS I
- thinks m8. So what are we to believe that your disk mag is a bit old
- just that someone has changed the date to say released 2 oct 95 ??
- Should be 2 oct 85 We thinks hehehehe well there aint much more we can
- say except put up or shut up you shower of LAME COCK SUCKERS!!!
- PS....
- I liked the mag it was interesting and quite good for a read so keep.up
- the good work, but please as I said earlier on get your facts. right and
- yes I got a copy of your mag from a PIRATE BBS... hehehehe.
- Oh if anybody would like to add to this piece of shit then feel free the
- more the merrier
- .........................................................................
- {Defacto}
- MiGGYBYTE on a pirate bbs!, so what!, whats the point its. FREEWARE!
- Your Sysops must be lame for charging creds for something that is free,
- and can be DLed free of charge from any of our legitimate sites!..
- {Sigma}
- Well lame article eh?, so how comes everything that we wrote contory to
- your beliefs were true.
- As for the 20 meg bbs it may not have been a major warez bbs but it still
- IS contributing to the sad world of piracy.
- So after this little update do you still feel your systems security is
- safe? Just how do you feel knowing your bbs's could be monitored by any
- tom, dick or harry *8-) not so cocky are you.
- Thankyou for taking the time out of your busy pirating schedule to read
- our magazine and indeed for taking the mick out of what you believed to
- be false information in this reply, it just goes to prove that we can
- keep up with what is up to date information in the scene!
- {Madness}
- Ok lamer, first off the BBS's (yes there more than one) that was used for
- the Piracy artical were not in Liverpool that was a made up location.
- Are you that thick? Never mind answering that question every one knows
- what wankers, lamers like you are. Starting next year there is to be a
- heavy blitz on pirate BBS's and heavy fines, all BBS will have to be
- registered by law and any unregistered ones will be closed and all
- equipment will be taken away.
- BT are to do the checking as they have been running tests to locate BBS
- via the tones through the exchanges. Any number that shows as a BBS that
- is not registered is then noted and later the address is raded.
- So get a life Mr.Lamer
- ---